Are you in need of a job or looking for work? The more ways you attempt to find a job, the greater you increase your chances of landing one. You can look at advertised vacancies online, read through your local newspaper, get friends to help by asking around, or maybe try cold calling companies you’d like to work for.
Job Vacancies Online
There are many job vacancy websites available to use online. Some sites list a variety of vacancies whereas others list vacancies for specific industries.
Many companies list on job vacancy websites however most will post listings on their own websites as well. If you have a company in mind that you would like to work for, it is a good idea to check out their home website first to see if any vacancies are available.
Check Local Newspapers
Most major newspapers issue a daily paper and have a weekly employment issue that advertises job ads and vacancies. Papers with a weekend addition will often have a large employment section attached.
Using Recruitment Agencies
Recruitment agencies advertise their job vacancies in newspapers, on their own website, and on larger employment websites as well. You will need to register with each individual recruitment agency in order to apply for their situations vacant. Registration is usually free because the recruitment agencies are paid by the employers.
Recruitment agencies are often known to contact you via phone or email about other jobs that they think will be suited to you. These agencies are an effective way to access jobs that are not advertised publicly.
Contacting Employers Directly
Cold calling employers will allow you to find positions that are not publicly advertised, increasing your chances of landing a job. Many of these jobs are filled by friends and relatives of current employees or people who have taken the initiative to contact the employer directly. Approaching an employer directly will allow you to target jobs that are in your industry of interest and often lead to a variety of employment opportunities.
Other Places to Look for Job Vacancies
Professional and industry journals are a good resource to check through for job vacancies and can be purchased, borrowed from libraries, or downloaded on the Internet.
Career fairs and expos are run by universities, recruitment agencies, and industries where employers provide career options and information about job opportunities. You can apply for positions, take flyers, and talk to representatives, so be sure to take along a few copies of your CV and prepare for any impromptu interviews.