5 Tips on Putting Together Your Resume

MeetingIn a world of expanding technology, resumes remain important and powerful tools for job procurement. It’s very common for applicants to not even get shortlisted for a job position simply based on their resume not being up to standard. This means you’re already on the back foot before you’ve even had a chance to prove your skills in an interview.

Resumes should be the best reflection of what you can offer and should always make an exemplary first impression. Writing a successful resume can be difficult, but at Affirmative Portfolios, we’re here to help.

5 Top Tips on Perfecting Your Resume Format

Creating the perfect resume can be overwhelming, but we’ve broken it down into these five tips to make sure you create the right impression. You can visit our blog page for further recruitment tips.

1. Format and Font is Extremely Important

You need your resume to be eye-catching, legible, and professional in format. When employers have piles of resumes to sift through, they may not even look at yours if the font or format is too difficult to read.

Your format should be clear and concise. Aim to fit all key information onto one page if possible and make sure everything is structured with clear headers. Font should be plain and one which is easy to read.

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2. Tailor Your Resume for Every Job

Resumes should be fluid and easily adaptable. When you have a good solid foundation, you can alter your opening statement or key information slightly to fit any job you’re applying for. This will help to make a better impression in showing why you’re a good fit for that particular job.

3. Put Contact Information Front and Centre

If you’ve been successful in capturing attention and proving your eligibility, you don’t want employers to have any difficulty in finding out how to contact you. Worse, you don’t want to omit this information altogether.

Put your name, telephone number, address, and email as standard on the top of your resume.

4. Include Key Sections

Your resume should always include:

  • An opening statement outlining your skills and what the resume will cover
  • Your employment history
  • Your education history
  • Why you’re an adequate fit for the job
  • Any extra information, such as personal achievements and hobbies, if relevant to the application

5. List Information in Reverse Time Order

Employers will want to see your most recent work history first. When listing your employment history, begin with your current or most recent job, and work backwards. Try to span the last ten years or the most recent five employment positions. This is to ensure only the most relevant information is included.

Make Your Resume Stand Out with Affirmative Portfolios Recruitment

A professional resume is essential to showing off your valid skills and creating a good first impression. We’re here to help with any recruitment needs, including resumes, so use our contact page to let us know how we can help.

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