5 Ways to Be Compliant During the Hiring Process

Affirmative Portfolio explain the hiring processThe recruitment process can be a very long and arduous journey. Not only are you spending a great deal of time and energy working through perfect candidates, but you also have to spend time on interviewees who may not be what you thought. Not only is it time-consuming, but you then have to be absolutely sure that you’re ensuring compliance, avoiding discrimination, and dealing with any potential issues.

If you want to ensure you and your other managers are understanding the hiring process in a better way, here are our top recruitment tips for the hiring process.

5 Ways to Ensure Compliance During the Hiring Process

To make sure the hiring process can be as smooth as possible and ensure you’re doing everything you can, you need to be compliant at all stages. Therefore, to help you through this, here are 5 key ways to ensure compliance.

Our blog also contains more great tips for recruitment, so make sure to check that out.

1. Check Your Advertisements Don’t Include Discrimination

The hiring process begins before the interviews. Your job advertisement should be worded in the correct way that doesn’t discriminate, and if you do have very specific requirements, you need to be able to prove the valid reasons why. Candidates have the right to protect certain information, such as date of birth, so protected characteristics should not be requested.

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2. Be Sure to Avoid Discrimination with Interview Questions, Too

In reference to protected characteristics, candidates have a right to not discuss certain things during the interview, too, which means employers need to understand what they can and can’t ask. Questions to avoid in reference to this can include plans to get pregnant, questions about religion, or questions about race.

3. Ensure You’re Up-To-Date with Legal Framework

Be sure to do your research regarding the latest legal framework for both the job advertisement and interview process to ensure you’re up-to-date with how to approach certain subjects and how to word certain questions. It is vital to be compliant with all manner of requirements.

4. Make a Clear Offer for Employment

Offering the job to a candidate needs to be done with complete transparency. This means being sure to outline the terms of the contract, employment, position, responsibilities, and anything else which needs to be discussed.

5. Ensure a Smooth Onboarding Process

The hiring process also continues even after your new employee begins their first day of work. You need to ensure all adequate training is provided, as well as ensuring the new employee’s workstation has everything they need along with all necessary facilities being provided.

Ensure an Easy Hiring Process with Affirmative Portfolios

We’re here to support all employers for a compliant hiring process. With these top tips, you can be sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid discrimination and non-compliance. Contact us for your recruitment needs.

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