7 Interview Mistakes You Should Avoid

Men Having MeetingIf you’re reading this before an upcoming interview, congratulations. With the market being as competitive as it is, we know the hard work it took you to get here. The next step is to nail it! A job interview can be a nerve-racking experience, so Affirmative Portfolios wants to ensure you are properly prepared, and take the edge off those nerves. You’ll be more likely to get the job you want if you steer clear of these seven easily avoidable interview no-no’s.

1. Tardiness

It goes without saying that punctuality is important. Arriving late for the interview is a warning you could be late for work every morning. No matter how legitimate your excuse, being late indicates a lack of organisational skills and a lack of commitment. Get accurate directions, ask about parking, factor in traffic and bear in mind that if you’re not 10 minutes early, you’re late.

2. Unpreparedness

Failing to fully research your prospective employer is a big mistake. If you haven’t done your homework beforehand, you’re giving the impression you’re not interested. Be prepared. Look at the company’s website and know their business. While you’re at it, come up with a list of questions about crucial skills needed for the job.

3. Complaining

Your new employer will contact your former employer for references, so avoid being critical of a boss. It rarely sits well with a potential employer and it just makes you look like a Negative Nelly. Furthermore there’s the chance your recruiter knows the person you’re undermining. If you must speak about a difficult work situation keep answers succinct and positive, take responsibility, and be sure to discuss the solutions.

4. Improper References

If this is your first job and you don’t have professional references, do not use a family member, or personal contact. Rather a teacher, or someone on a professional level that could speak of your character. Remember: nothing says more about you than your social media pages, think of them as a reference. These days social media is part of the vetting process, so make sure your recruiter will like what they see.

5. Appearing Distracted

It is never ok to take calls, messages or have your phone on during an interview. Furthermore it doesn’t look good if all you’re interested in is annual leave and company perks. Keep your mobile away, stay focused and never swear or criticise any aspect of the company.

6. Exaggerating

Make sure to be honest about your achievements and be sure to include team members. Taking all the credit is an indicator you might not be a team player. We all want to look good in an interview, but if your recruiter discovers that you’re not telling the strict truth, your credibility will be damaged. Be honest, forthright and self-critical, but also show what you are doing to improve your weaknesses.

7. Jabbering

Keep your answers short but informative. You can appear self-centered or ill equipped if you go on too much. Do a practice interview and develop your appropriate responses, as well as a few questions. At the end of the session, most interviewers will ask if there’s anything else you’d like to tell them. If you’ve missed some highlights, this is the time to raise them. Don’t miss any opportunities to prove yourself.

You can land that perfect job. Show you know the company well, that you have the experience to do the job, work well with others, and that you want to build a career in the company. Affirmative Portfolios is on your side; you can contact us for all your recruitment needs.

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