Is your Temporary Recruitment Agency Professional?

Many professional and successful businesses today are acquiring the services of a Recruitment Agency to source temp staff. Often the business will decide that they want temporary staff on a continuous or regular basis. The type of temporary staff recruited may vary according to the type of projects or assignments. Some of these staff choices can be based on the requirements for a specific skill-set.If you as a business owner or manager are considering hiring temporary staff instead of a permanent staff member, it is advisable that you ensure the Recruitment Agency you choose to deal with is professional. There are a few points to bear in mind before you sign up with the Agency for your staffing solutions. These points will assist you in making sure that the Agency will provide staff that will meet your expectations.

The Employees are Screened

When hiring a staff member permanently or temporarily, it is extremely important to ensure that they are both reliable and trustworthy. You certainly wouldn’t hire anyone without knowing their history and work capabilities would you? Deal with a Recruitment Agency that has screened and assessed each candidate. This means that you can trust the candidate with confidential information within the company as well as ensure the general safety of your other staff members.

An Existing Database

A Recruitment agency that has an extensive database of temporary and permanent candidates will be able to assist you with pre-qualified staff. This can be a relief, especially if you need temp staff urgently. Often the best Agency will have a strong team of consultants that have built a solid database. You will subsequently acquire the services of a temp staff member who is experienced in your business field on short notice.

Up to Date with Employment Regulations

An Agency that is up to date with the latest labour laws in South Africa is another point to consider. When employing temp staff it will be beneficial to you as a business owner if you work with an Agency that understands current labour law. A professional Agency will always ensure that they are aware of any labour law updates.

They provide more than just Employees

Running a business is stressful and an Agency that can assist you in other areas is one to consider. Some of these services can include Ad Response handling, outsourced pay roll, preparing of IRP5 and IT3 certificate returns as well as EMP201 returns. The Agency may also specialise in Financial, IT and office support. This leaves you without the added burden of having to hire permanent staff to cover these important business areas.

If the Agency has the above qualities, consider choosing them for your flexible staffing needs.

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