Tips for Handling Tough Interview Questions

Question Mark on ChalkboardThe recruitment process can be very daunting even to the most experienced employee. It is important that job seekers feel prepared before an interview, so that they can approach tough questions with confidence and good focus. Today, we will discuss some pro tips for handling tough interview questions to help you along the way.

1. Balance Positive Traits with Good Examples

In the average interview, you will likely be asked to tell the interviewer about yourself, to talk about your strengths and weaknesses, and to elaborate on your past experience. Whilst answering these questions, you want to highlight your positive traits and experiences, but try to balance these by using good real-world examples.

If you say you are very attentive to detail, mention tasks you have done where this skill was necessary. For example, if you did data capture and reconciliation as part of your previous job, this required your attention to detail!

2. Always Quantify Your Experience and Examples

It is helpful to quantify your experience and examples whenever possible. This means including numbers to support your answers. For example, if you worked as a receptionist, you can give an example of how many clients you would greet and assist per day. As a retail salesperson, you can mention your weekly and monthly targets and KPIs.

These numbers help the interviewer to understand the scope of your role and how well you will manage the tasks in the new job!

3. Highlight Necessary Job Skills in Your Answers

Whilst answering tough interview questions, it is important to mention job skills you have used that are relevant to the new role you are applying for. Even if they are not ‘requirements’ in the job advertisement, it is good for your interviewer to hear more about you and your capabilities. For example, if you are a creative person, this could help you generate new ideas and problem solve in the workplace! Your analytical skills can help you identify problem areas and find errors in data.

4. Be Honest with the Interviewer

The quickest way to mess up an interview is to start telling white lies to sell yourself. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to finding work. More often than not, a recruiter or interviewer will appreciate you opening up to them about your concerns or weaker skills areas. Try to avoid saying you are a fast learner, as many people say this whether or not it is true, but mention that you are motivated to develop yourself, or look forward to growing in a new position where your existing skills and knowledge will be valuable to the position!

5. Ask for Clarity if the Question is Complex

Sometimes, the interviewer will ask a very complex or long question that you find difficult to understand. Do not hesitate to ask the interviewer to repeat the question or give an example. This will help you understand better and give a more informed answer! It is important to be unafraid of asking questions in a new workplace, as you will have a lot to learn.

In the spirit of being well-prepared and getting ahead of the competition, take a look at our CV tips that will get your hired! Our tips will help you to appear professional and highlight your skills for better job prospects. You can also send us your CV today to be put on our database. Don’t forget to check out our website first to see if we have any jobs that appeal to you.

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