How to Nail Your Video Interview

Man in an online meetingThe events of the past year have changed almost every aspect of business. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we now either work remotely or have to take precautions we would never have dreamed of a short while ago. The new norm of social distance also means that we will not do interviews the way we always have. Video interviews are likely to become the standard. Preparing for a video interview has several key differences and some similarities to its in-person equivalent. Affirmative Portfolios gives you five key things to remember when getting ready for your next video interview.

5 Tips To Help You Ace Your Video Interview

So, you’ve made it onto the short list for your dream job and you’ve been invited to attend a video interview. If this is a new experience for you, don’t worry. In many ways, the same etiquette that has been applied to in-person interviews still applies. However, there are several subtle differences for which you need to be prepared. Follow these five tips to make sure you’re ready for the interview. Read our blog for more expert decorating and furniture buying tips.

1. Make Sure Your Technology Works

The biggest difference between a video interview and a visit to your prospective employer’s office is the fact that it is heavily dependent on technology. It is therefore essential that you make sure all your technology is working. Check your camera, make sure that you are using the right platform (Skype/ Zoom, etc.) and that it’s all set up correctly. Check your camera, microphone and speakers, and most importantly, make sure you have a good internet connection. Technology issues can cause delays, communication breakdowns, and can even adversely affect the impression you make on your interviewer.

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2. Dress For Success

It doesn’t matter that you aren’t meeting your interviewer in person. You still need to dress for the part. Dress and groom yourself exactly as you would for a conventional interview. This will boost your confidence as well as making a good first impression.

3. Choose The Right Location

When choosing a place for your interview, find a spot that is quiet and free of distractions. If you have a home study or office, that will probably be your best bet. Go in and close the door so that any of the routine noises of your domestic environment don’t interfere. Ask the kids and other members of your household to stay out of the room while you’re busy.

4. Prepare Well

Prepare as you would for any interview: research your employer, prepare answers to anticipated questions, have notes and your CV to hand to inform your answers.

5. Use The Same Eye Contact And Body Language As You Would For An In-Person Interview

This can be tricky because, you’re not looking directly at your interviewer but there are a couple of good habits that you should adopt to make sure that you connect with the other person as well as you might in person. Your eyes can easily wander when the person isn’t in the room with you. On the other hand, one of the tricks of video interaction is that, if you are looking at the screen, you think you are looking at your interviewer, but you are not. From their perspective, you are looking down and not making eye contact. So be sure to look directly into the camera.

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Affirmative Portfolios is a provider of quality recruitment and training solutions. Contact us if you want to be placed in your dream job.

Now Read: 5 Advantages of Recruiting New Employees

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